
Advertising to Global Markets Advertising for global markets should be created by experienced professionals, native English-language expert writers. It needs to be informative and must trigger the viewer’s emotions. You need to address the needs of the target market. Adverts should evoke an emotional response. They should show how the product or service will solve […]

Training Manuals

Training Manuals in English Training manuals in English should be aimed specifically at a particular audience. They should be written in a conversational style. Pay attention to writing so as to encourage feedback and participation. Training manuals should be revisable. All corporate communications must be written in good English. Training manuals in English for staff in […]

Instruction Manuals

Instruction Manuals in English Instruction manuals in English are well structured and easy to understand. They include diagrams and images to support the text. You need to show the processes clearly. Good instruction manuals are written by professional native English speaking writers in perfect English. Instruction manuals in English are essential if you want to win the trust of your […]

Case Studies

Case Studies in English Case studies in English highlight the problems that the product provides solutions to. Products should be introduced as potential solutions. A good case study must show, with backing evidence, that the product does solve the problem. They should be written in a professional and authoritative way. Case studies must show the […]


Great Flyers in English Great flyers in English are designed for promotional purposes and are concisely written and direct. It is  necessary to produce colourful and exciting content. They should target the right audience. It is important that they be clear and easy to understand. Use multimedia, text alone won’t work. Great flyers in English […]


Great Brochures in English Great brochures in English should be well designed. They should target the right audience. Make them interesting and engaging. Focus on the benefits of the product or service, not its features. Brochures should be professionally written by an expert English writer. Great brochures in English are an important way to let […]

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