
Manuals in Good English Manuals in good English will make all the difference to the way that customers see your company. As with your website, your written communications with your customers, including, for example, the instruction manuals that you include with products, will make or break your reputation as a company. Poorly written instructions for […]


Your Website in English You might ask why you should publish your website in English. We have done an extensive review of websites from around the world. Poor English is extremely common, and is, without doubt, the reason that many companies never grow their markets internationally. Remember that online customers never get to meet you […]


Great Presentations in English Powerpoint presentations are commonly used when selling high-end products or projects. You need great presentations in English if you want to stand out from the competition. These presentations are not only about information, they are also about presenting your company. A shoddy presentation seldom results in good business. If the presentation […]


Get ready for IELTS English learners around the world take the IELTS exam in order to prove that they have achieved a certain level of English. You need experienced teachers who know how the IELTS exam works. Get ready for IELTS with us, we are experienced and know how the exam is structured. There are […]


Learn English for travel Many people study English for social reasons and to be understood around the world. They want to learn English for travel. Whatever the reason, the challenge is the same. There are many English language schools out there, but finding a really good one can be challenging. You need English native-speaking teachers […]

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