Operations Manuals in English

  • Your operations manuals in English must be clear and well-written.

  • They must include all your policies and procedures.

  • Ensure that they are searchable for information.

  • You need to provide solutions to potential issues and information about whom to contact or what to do in specific situations.

  • Be sure to provide information about emergency response, health and safety and so on.

  • Provide information about the hierarchical structure and relevant individuals in the organisation

Global companies need to publish their operations manuals in English, which is usually the operating language. Your employees really need to understand your policies and procedures well, and so ensuring that your internal documentation is clear and well-written in English is essential. If you want to attract and keep the best talent at the same time as ensuring smooth cooperation between your staff in different markets, you need a clear and effective operations manual.

Our Service

  • We will write your operations manual in clear, understandable and professional English.

  • It is our task to ensure that your all employees understand all your corporate policies perfectly, no matter where they are.

  • With many years’ experience in the English speaking corporate world, we are well-placed to write manuals that are easily understandable to English speaking employees.

  • Our extensive experience outside of Europe gives us the sensitivity we need to express the same ideas in different cutural environments.

  • We will ensure that all the right information is included, including health & safety, company hierarchy, emergency response policies, etc.

The Process

Defining the brief: you will send us your manual as it currently stands in English. 

We will review the information you submit, calculate how much work we need to do on it, and then get back to you with a proposal. We will include what we expect to do, the time we expect it  to take and then send you an offer.

Once you have received the offer you can either accept it immediately, or arrange a consultation to discuss the project. You are under no obligation to accept the offer until this stage. Once the offer is accepted, we will work on the first draft and send it to you.

There may be corrections, new thoughts, or other input from you. That is expected. We include this revision in the initial quote, so you have the opportunity to give us feedback at this point. Once we receive your feedback, we will make the changes requested, and deliver the manual. Naturally, we will work with you to ensure that you are fully satisfied with the final product. 

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