Well Written Curricula Vitae

  • Well written curricula vitae are comprehensive but concise. No one has the time to read more than two pages.

  • Furthermore, they should contain the information that is of most interest to the reader – and culture makes a big difference!

  • A good CV is written in effective and accurate English.

  • Make sure you target the institution you are applying to.

  • Target the discipline you are engaged in.

Well written Curricula Vitae are your gateway to the west. Writing them  might seem like an easy task, but don’t be fooled! Recruiters at universities go through thousands of CVs each year from applicants. Consequently, making yours stand out from the rest is a challenge!

Our Services

  • At ELA we know what should be included in your CV and what should be left out. We know how long the CV should be and we know what points are important to the recruiters reading the CV.

  • We know what differences there are in the different disciplines. A lawyer’s CV, for example, is very different from an engineer’s CV. That needs to be considered.

  • How much personal information is included also depends on the discipline and the institution you are applying to. We do the necessary research to ensure that the tone and style of your CV is appropriate.

  • We are experienced and skilled English writers and we will ensure that your CV tells the story you want it to tell – in perfect English.

The Process

We will ask you to complete a questionnaire asking you about all the things that we need to include in the curriculum vitae. We will ask about your life experience, your educational experience, you work experience, your goals and desires, how you think you would be an asset to the insitution and so on. Everything that we would need to write your CV for you.

After we receive the questionnaire from you, we will review the information and, based on what you need, make you an offer. Only after you agree to the offer will we take the job. There is no obligation until after you agree at this stage.

After you have accepted the offer, we will write your CV. We will take your chosen discipline into account, and we will work with you to ensure that you say exactly what you want to say, but in a way that is appropriate to the instution you are applying to.

Once we have finished the draft of your CV, we will send it back to you for your agreement. If you are not happy, or need revisions done, we will do them. When you are satisfied, we will deliver the completed document to you in the format you prefer. 

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