How we teach English

How we teach English makes all the difference. The online phenomenon has made distance learning a reality. We all use our phones and laptops for everything from shopping, making payments and working to entertainment and socialising. We also use online platforms to learn English. In today’s world you can get the very best native English-speaking teachers to teach you, no matter where you live. ELA specialises in online English teaching. We have many years’ worth of experience teaching students online, and we are experts when it comes to using multi-media and the interactivity that online classrooms can provide.

Online Tuition
  • Learn English from the best native English-speaking teachers without having to go to the UK or US.

  • Learn from the comfort of your own home or favourite coffee shop, the internet is everywhere.

  • Learn when it suits you. You can schedule as many or as few lessons as you prefer.
Lessons are fun and effective
  • Zoom technology allows us to create really interactive and immersive lessons.

  • We create a real classroom for you, sharing learning materials in various formats – video, audio, worksheets, lesson content etc.

  • We use technology to help you learn English quickly!
All classes are one-to-one
  • All our lessons are one-to-one. We don’t do group classes.

  • We build ongoing relationships with our students. You won’t have multiple teachers!

  • Lessons are all 45 minutes in duration, which is enough time to learn a new language point each lesson.
  • The first step is your level assessment and discussion about your goals. Are you studying for business or for school, for example?

  • We will build a course just for you, based on your level and your goals.

  • We will help you to succeed in the English-speaking world, no matter what your goals are.
Action-oriented Approach
  • We use the action-oriented teaching approach.

  • That means we teach you how to deal with everyday situations, in the same way that native speakers learn.

  • You will learn how to do the things that you need to do. We focus on your goals – do you need business English, or English for travelling?
Exams and Qualifications
  • We prepare you to take internationally recognised qualifications.

  • We focus on Cambridge exams and the IELTS exam.

  • These exams are recognised by over 11,000 companies and educational institutions around the world.

  • English qualifications are a gateway to your future.
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