
Your Blog in English Your blog in English should be written by a professional native speaking writer. It must be interesting and engaging. You must include keywords for SEO. Make it dynamic – you need regular new posts. Remember to target the right audience. You need to write your blog in English. Blogs help you […]

Social Media

English Social Media English social media should be targeted at the audience. It should be interactive – encourage participation. Your posts should ask questions to create conversation. Include useful information, not just marketing materials. Should be dynamic, you need to publish new material regularly Copywriting for English social media is a little different to copywriting […]


Copywriting for English Websites Copywriting for English websites must be professionally done, in perfectly toned and targeted English. It should be designed to keep users reading – every word counts. Focus on presenting benefits to the customer, not on describing your company or products. The customers’ needs, hopes and requirements matter, your’s don’t! Everything should […]


Give lectures in English When you give lectures in English you must ensure that they are easy to understand, and written in English by a native English speaking writer. Presented using multimedia, not just text. Adaptable to different audiences. Limited to one or two major themes. Lectures are typically used for training in business. If […]


Webinars for Global Business Webinars for global business should be targeted at the audience – you need to know what problems or challenges you are trying to solve. You webinar must be authoritative – you should know what you are trying to teach as well as what you are trying to sell. Concentrate on interactive […]

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